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Plaza 5, Jl. Margaguna Raya, Pondok Indah, Jakarta. +62 21 2972 1467
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Intro to Fashion Design


Fashion design is the art of creating clothing and accessories. Fashion designers create garments based on consumer demand or their own creative vision, and consumers respond to those designs, ushering in new trends.

In this program will teach you how to draw the fashion figures starting from the basic understanding of the 8-head proportion, body elements from head to toe, movement and posture to fashion poses with garments.

Why students choose our Intro to Fashion Design program?

•   Intro to Fashion Design helps a designer to put down his/her ideas practically based on Basic Level. Next, in advance course, this course will helps the students in visualizing the ideas and concepts surrounding the design.

What student’s will get ?

•   Student will understand body proportions and understand body anatomy.

•   Student will practice how to define their character poses.

•   Student will explore and find their style.

italian fashion school


–   Intake Everymonth

–   60 Hours

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