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2 Years Intensive Fashion Design

2 Years Intensive Fashion Design

1 Year (Jakarta) – 1 Year (Milan)


The Intensive Course in Fashion Design enables the student to acquire the main theoretical concepts and practical skills, in addition to the knowledge required, within a short period of time.

The course of study

•  Comprehension of the process of fashion design

•  Techniques for drawing male and female figures

•  Mood board development, colour charts

•  Creative research and fashion trends

•  Study of materials and fabrics and their applications

•  Patternmaking design

•  Design of men’s and women’s clothing collections, comprising: creative research, colour chart, mood board, illustrations, technical data sheet of individual items of clothing.

•  Fashion marketing

•  Analysis of international fashion and history of costume.

•  Digital illustrations with the use of programs: Photoshop, Illustrator

•  Portfolio and final collection


At the end of the course, the students will present a final portfolio through which they will demonstrate that they have acquired their own personal style in creating fashion collections and their own visual language in presenting their projects.

italian fashion school, international programs

2 Years Intensive Fashion Design


–   Intake Jakarta: January, April, July, October, Milan: Maret & October

–   Full Time Program

–  Jakarta (Monday to Friday)

* The program is subject to change at any time

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