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Fashion Image Consulting


Becoming a Fashion Image Consultant

Aesthetic sensibility, an eye for harmony and discordance, the ability to know who the opposition is and a great passion for fashion! These are the attitudes needed to embark on an intensive course of study to become a Fashion Image Consultant, an advisory role, specialising in the effective and successful communication of personal identity.

The intensive Fashion Consultant course is intended to develop tools and abilities that are useful for working in the area of image consultancy: students develop knowledge of the quality of fabrics and the role of colour in the choice of an item of clothing, becoming experts in etiquette for different occasions, both corporate and private, learning to recognise and select the right accessory to make a style unique and memorable.


Aims of the course

The intensive course in Fashion Image Consulting allows students to develop tools and skills that are useful for working in the area of image consulting.

The object of the course is to train professionals to be able to apply specific techniques for the strategic management of the personal or company image. A professional capable of designing and developing a successful personal identity through the choice of more suitable aesthetic and behavioural components. During the lessons, the students will acquire ideas that come from the history of costume and fashion, non-verbal communication, analysis of the figure and chromatism right through to hairstyles and make-up. This is all taught through lessons in theory, workshops and simulations.

By the end of this full immersion, students will be ready to enter the professional world securely both as freelance professionals and within communications agencies and public relations specialists in image consultancy both in Italy and abroad.

In recent years, the most talented Fashion Image Consultants have enriched their own professional role in the area of purchase selection through the birth of a new professional role: the personal shopper. The personal shopper is a guardian angel who accompanies clients from shop to shop and virtually in search of items of clothing, accessories and everything that means style. Your own style.


Our ideal candidate

The course is open to those who want to embark on a career as a Fashion Image Consultant, whether they are students with A-levels or equivalent qualifications, or professionals who want to specialise in image consulting.


Contents of the course

The programme of the Fashion Image Consultant course provides a specific foundation in:

•   Image consulting

•   Analysis and draping

•   The done thing

•   Business etiquette

•   Building an effective image

•   Building our image

•   Building the image of others

•   Chromatic typology

•   Morphology of the body and the face

•   Postures and mannerisms

•   Style: expression of the personality and professional requirement

•   Color theory for Make-up

•   Color theory for Hair style

•   Accessories

•   Non-verbal communication


Educational activities

•   Classroom lessons

•   Workshops and seminars with industry specialists

•   Tutoring and exercises
